
T: +371 20857777

E: info@e-car.lv


Auto Rent in Riga and Latvia

One of the lowest new car rental prices in Riga

Toyota Yaris, MT

economy class


Car Rental Price List


Reservation period


Active Period (15.05‑15.09 and 15.12‑15.01)


Passive Period (16.01‑14.05 and 16.09‑14.12)


Kasko deductible 0% CDW:


Kasko deductible 0% TPI:


Reserve Car

Toyota Yaris, MT

Toyota Yaris, MT

starting from 13.00

Toyota Yaris, AT

Toyota Yaris, AT

starting from 14.00

Toyota Yaris Hybrid, AT

Toyota Yaris Hybrid, AT

starting from 14.00

Toyota Auris TS, MT

Toyota Auris TS, MT

starting from 17.00

Toyota Auris, AT

Toyota Auris, AT

starting from 16.00

Toyota Corolla, MT

Toyota Corolla, MT

starting from 19.00

Toyota Corolla, AT

Toyota Corolla, AT

starting from 22.00

Toyota Corolla TS, AT

Toyota Corolla TS, AT

starting from 24.00

Toyota Avensis TS, AT

Toyota Avensis TS, AT

starting from 24.00

Toyota Verso AT

Toyota Verso AT

starting from 20.00

Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, AT

Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, AT

starting from 28.00

All E-CAR rental cars are insured (KASKO) against damages with a specific deductible for the renter – 430.00 EUR, as well as against theft of the car or its parts and car damage with a specific deductible for the renter of 860.00 EUR. We offer the option to choose a liability amount with 0% deductible in case of car damage (CDW), and/or in case of theft of the car or its parts (TPI) and in case of car damage, by paying a specific fee for the entire insurance period based on the total number of days of the rental period.

Additional Equipment

The rental price for each piece of additional equipment per day is 3.00 EUR, but no more than 30.00 EUR for the entire rental period.

baby seat

Infant seat for children up to 1 year old

baby seat

Child seat for children from 1 to 5 years old

baby seat

Car refrigerator

baby seat

GPS navigation system

baby seat

Booster seat for children from 5 years old (up to 150cm)

Auto noma

Car rental additional services

All prices are in EUR with 21% VAT

Pick-up Service

We offer the 'Pick-up Service' – delivery and/or return of the car to the customer at a desired location and time. The price of the service depends on the time and distance from the center of Riga city.

A zone

During working hours – 10 EUR

Outside working hours – 15 EUR

B zone

During working hours – 15 EUR

Outside working hours – 20 EUR

If the customer chooses to receive an E-CAR rental car at one of the three specified NESTE fuel stations in Riga during E-CAR working hours – the service is free. Outside working hours – 10 EUR.

Airport Service

Car delivery and/or return at Riga airport, in the 'P 1' parking area. The price of the service depends on the time you wish to receive or return the car. 'P 1' parking costs are covered by E-CAR. For a rental period longer than 6 days, the pick-up/drop-off fee is not applied during working hours.

During Working Hours – free of charge/10EUR

Outside Working Hours – 20 EUR

Evaluating each individual request, we also offer personal chauffeur and transfer services

Additional Driver

The cost of the additional service is 20 EUR for the entire rental period, regardless of the number of days.

Leaving the Baltic States

The cost of the additional service is 70 EUR for the entire rental period, regardless of the number of days.

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